Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Jeremy's Bar Mitzvah

What a blast I had at Jeremy Corn's Bar Mitzvah! Eileen (his mom) and I met in college and are sorority sisters. Eileen sent the save the date card for the Bar Mitzvah a year ago. Or at least it felt like a year ago. Eileen then proceeded to call me, email me, write me and any other form of communication til I said YES I am coming to the Bar Mitzvah. The party was in Virginia and we stayed at a beautiful hotel where the party was in Arlington at the Weston.
It was an all weekend affair. I flew in to Dulles with a sorority sister, LuAnne who was president after I was. I have not seen LuAnne for over 17 years. We had the best time rooming together. She has 3 beautiful kids and I can't wait to meet them and her husband John. they live in Tampa! We flew in Thursday night and Eileen picked us up and we went to the hotel and talked for a bit. Then LuAnne and I stayed up for hours talking. We had so much to catch up on. The next day we went to Old Town in Alexandria and walked around and had lunch and then took the metro back to Arlington. I must say for two college graduates we needed the assistance of about 12 people to help us get back to the hotel via the metro.
Friday night we met in the lobby of the hotel and Eileen's parents, who are the sweetess people in the world took us to Eileen and Bob's house for a Shabbat dinner. The dinner was prepared by 4 of Eileen's friends and it was so warm and wonderful. I must say that Eileen is probably the nicest person I know. She is so sweet and in college used to sign everything with "luv you sweetie". LuAnne says Eileen's handwriting is bubble writing and that everything she says is sweet and nice. Well being so nice of course Eileen has wonderful friends and boy did they make a lovely dinner for all the out of town guests. When I walked into her house for the dinner and saw her 2 beautiful children I started crying. I had not seen them for a long time and they were so grown up and beautiful.
Saturday morning was the Bar Mitzvah and Jeremy did such a wonderful job. After we returned to the hotel with Sharon and her husband Roland and then we met up with another sister Theresa and her husband Bill and Claudia and her husband Michael. We sat at an Ithaca College table. When we walked into the ballroom and I saw the DJ, my jaw dropped, it was my old friend Doug Sandler who is now DJ Doug. Apparently he is the DJ to have if you live in the Washington metro area.
We danced and ate and danced and ate. What an amazing party it was. Later that night my best friend Molly and Henry came to take me to dinner. We ate at PF Changs, my favorite. We had so much fun. After a while LuAnne, Eileen and Eileen's friend Elizabeth came over to the restaurant to find me and we all hung out til late and then we went back to the hotel and crashed Vicky's Bat Mitzvah.
On Sunday Eileen's parents hosted a beautiful brunch for the out of town guests and then we headed over to Eileen's for a pool party and more eating. Bob's mom hosted the house party and had deli trays to feed an army. We were wisked to the airport by LeAnne and then walked to our gate at Dulles. the gate was as far as possible. LuAnne said that the gate was that far because they knew how much we ate all weekend.
I cant' begin to say how happy I am that I reconnected with LuAnne. She is tops and even without meeting her children I can tell what an awesome mom she is. Eileen had told me that LuAnne lived in Tampa right after my dad died, but I was not in the socializing mood much after my dad died. We had so much fun this weekend.
LuAnne and I are now going to plan a Delta Phi Zeta sisters reunion cruise for 2008.
This has been a year of seeing my sorority sisters. Lora in Jan, Laura in Feb, LuAnne, Eileen, Claudia and Theresa in May and Melissa in June.
Thanks Eileen and Bob for a Memorial Day weekend I will never forget! Jeremy and Alana , you two ROCK! SSF Jocie


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