Monday, January 15, 2007

A little Mr. Rogers

I was over in Boynton Beach over the weekend with my best friend Molly and we both bought Life's Journey's According to Mr. Rogers. That man was a visionary. He was a lovable man when I was little, he taught imagination and manners and sharing and being friends. Little did we all know just how much he really knew. I have decided to share a quote a day of Mr. Rogers and what it means to me on my blog.

There are many times that I wish I had heard that "just who you are at this moment, with the way that you're feeling, is fine. You don't have to be anything more than who you are right now." I'd like to think it's also something that's happened to me through the years, that I'm more able to accept myself as I happen to be, rather than as somebody thought I should be.

You go Mr. Rogers. It is a challenge to be a good wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister, employee and more everyday. Somedays it all seems to work and other days it is a struggle to just get one of those right. I didn't make any new years resolutions this year. I am just trying to get by each day. Mourning the loss of someone you love is long and hard. My best friend Joan said it took 3 years after she lost her mother before she felt normal again. It took me 14 years after I lost my mother to not cry everyday or when someone said something about her. At this moment I am sad, I think I may be sad for many days to come and that is alright. I dont' respond well when people say my father is in a better place now. The only place I want him is here with his family. I know that is not possible but saying he is in a better place isn't comforting. This all will pass. Life does continue to go on but it is not the same and it never will be.

I have many blessings and I have not forgotten them. But being in pain and mourning a loss is real and I feel it now. So if you love me don't say he is in a better place and don't tell me there will be brighter days ahead ( I know there will be) just love me and listen.


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